Saturday, June 25, 2011

Happy 2nd Month Ryan Baby!

It's amazing how time flies! Tomorrow will be Ryan baby's 2nd month birthday, and it still feels like we came home from the hospital just last week. I imagine I'll be saying the same thing 18 years later on his 18th birthday. Haha!

Since Auntie has left, there has been many ups and downs in our life together. There had been days when I feel terrible ( as anyone can see from my previous posts). He could be grumpy the whole day struggling at the breast, crying incessently, etc. Then there are days when he only cries when he needs something and is easily pacified.

Since this week he has been a lot more aware of his surroundings and requires a lot more attention. He's constantly looking around, and is most fasinated when I carry him on a "walking tour" of our home.

He has also been coming up with a lot more new sounds other than the crying and screaming he used to make. There are the "ehs" ("I'm lonely! I need company and entertainment!"), the "ah goos" "coos" "hiiiii" "haaa looooo" "ahhhhh haaa" "way!"("I'm telling you something very important in an extremely cute way so you'd better listen up!").

Amazingly, I have not detected any "change my diaper it is extremly wet/dirty" cries/noises as he seems totally unperturbed by any change in condition of his diaper. He could be sitting in a diaper that is totally soaked to the brim and covered in baby poo, and still be smiling and cooing away. It's only when I smell the distinctive "buttery popcorn" odour that I realise. His father is very proud - "He's a MAN.".

He loves looking at anything that is moving and changing. The musical mobile that we bought for him used to be able to entertain him for up to an hour. But now he's gotten bored with it. I've discovered though that he LOVES looking at people's faces and hair. I've developed a game of "shampoo ad" with him -  he loves looking at me flinging my hair about like a model in a shampoo ad (HAHA!).

I really love spending time with my little darling. I love his toothless smiles, his coos and ahs and hiiis. I love bath time, and I even love diaper time. Even though it can be very tiring at times, I'm generally really enjoying motherhood right now.

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